World Trade Center

This page is dedicated in memory of those who perished and those who suffered loss as the result of the terrorist bombings of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.



My father was at work in his office on the 78th floor of One World Trade Center, the north tower, when the building was hit by the first airplane bombing. His company occupied floor space situated at the northwest corner, with windows located on both the north and west sides of the tower. The Boeing 767 collided into the north side of the building on the 95th floor. I wrote a short story describing my experiences as the events of that day unfolded.

My Father is Still Alive

Chronology of Events

President's Speech

The Rising - The lyrics of the album by Bruce Springsteen.

World Trade Center
Photo Gallery

The Buildings

The Attack

The Aftermath


As of September 11, 2017

Reported dead or missing:

Lists of Victims:


Lists of tenants in the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001:

Alphabetical Listing

Listing by floor of One World Trade Center (North Tower)

Listing by floor of Two World Trade Center (South Tower)

Listing by category


Memorial Lights - March, 2002


Scott L. Schofield